We are currently revamping Kinetiqu.com with the latest technologies — as this is an ongoing process, please be patient over the next couple days if parts of the site differ in appearance; site functionality is not affected by this maintenance, so everything should work fine. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us. Thank you! 2025.02.18
We have created a good number of great (our clients' opinions, not just us bragging) websites. You can find them all here, along with some details about the technical aspects. As we are a service business, we know that the best way to show you what we know is to show you what we have done in the past. Some projects will be glorious, some a little more basic and standard. But whatever complexity the project, we have kept at it until we reached a stage when both the client and we were happy with the final product.
Andover Strings
Lawnmower Man Mowing
NL5 Electronic Circuit Simulator
NL5 is a revolutionary new non–linear electronic circuit simualtor from Sideline Soft. While most other simulators are based on the SPICE algorithm, NL5 uses a new, faster algorithm, allowing much faster calculation speeds with only a small trade–off on accuracy (or get a higher level of accuracy with only a minor loss in speed). By using ideal components for simulation, and modeling them with series of linear functions instead of using complex (and thus, slow) functions at every step of simulation, NL5 manages to be faster than SPICE on most circuits. At the present time, a beta version is available for download here. If your line of work involves any sort of circuit simulation (or most similar fields), give NL5 a try: you'll like your newfound power!
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- Redesigned old site
- Database–centred news/release notes updating interface for quick and easy updates by owner
Sideline Soft
Kinetiqu Web Productions